A Sight

A Sight
A Dream Come True

Vision Of Preference

Listen to me

You have no choice

The cry of the moon carries my voice,

The awkward sensation of love in your eye

Reciprocates lust, with this I cry

The smell of a peach no longer the same

Feelings for you no longer detained,

How mellow your touch

You know just what to say

I haven't a clue how I felt this way

Could this be something

Or will you go away,

My thoughts are not my own

Im begging for them back

But when I go to sleep

These visions just come back,

I was talking to a lady

but then my thoughts paused

She was talking about her problems

I was completely lost

A vision of us popped in my head

When we were both lost in the moment

Away in my bed,

We weren't making love

Just vibing eachother instead

When you kissed my lips

I felt weightless, dead

You were whispering something

Wasn't paying attention

The lights were off

Did I forget to mention,

These chills went through my body

But only when you kissed me

It felt like a passion sparked by electricity,

I remebered my manners and snapped back to her

But she was still chatting

Hadn't noticed me blur

I shook my head and turned

Then I said goodbye

I heard a Voice say

"Nita, can't say hi?"

Shocked and taken back

I quickly turned my head,

I'ts you with those brown eyes

Goddamn I must be dead

You smiled ever so sweetly

I just stared and cried

My expressions weren't showing half of how I felt inside,

I'm still replaying visions

And you're really here

I reach to touch your face

And then you touch my hair

Then my phone rings

I turn and you're not there....